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Curriculum - Junior Cycle

At St. Bricins College we offer an extensive range of subjects for both the Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate.


New Junior Cycle Subjects

Visual Art

Modern Foreign Languages - French

Home Economics



Business Studies




Technical Graphics



Materials Technology (Wood)

Religious Education

Optional: Short Courses

How student achievement at Junior Cycle will be assessed


The most significant change in the new Junior Cycle is in the area of assessment. A dual approach to assessment, involving classroom-based assessment across the three years and a final externally-assessed, state-certified examination can enable the appropriate balance between preparing students for examinations and facilitating creative thinking, engaged learning and better outcomes for students. From Autumn 2017, junior cycle students will receive a new Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA). The JCPA will reflect a much wider range of your child’s achievements over the three years of junior cycle. The JCPA will report on a number of areas, including:- 1. Subjects (State Examination and Assessment Task) 2. Classroom Based Assessments 3. Short courses 4. Other Areas of Learning 5. The Wellbeing Programme




Schools will be able to choose from a total of 21 different subjects for inclusion on their junior cycle programme. All subjects are being revised and each one will have its own specification replacing what was previously known as a syllabus. Each specification describes the learning that takes place as part of the student's study of a subject in junior cycle. By 2019 all new subject specifications will have been introduced. Students can study a maximum of 10 subjects for the JCPA, and if their school offers short courses they can study 9 subjects plus 2 short courses or 8 subjects plus 4 short courses for certification purposes. The state examination that students sit in their subject at the end of their junior cycle will also be graded differently. Instead of A, B, C, D, E, F and NG the following descriptors will now be used:



Distinction - 90 - To - 100%

Higher Merit - 75 - To - 89%

Merit - 55 - To - 74%

Achieve - 40 - To - 54%

Partially Achieved - 20 - To - 39%

(not graded) - 0 - To - 19%

Classroom Based Assessments


Classroom Based Assessments (CBAs) provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their learning and skills in ways not possible in a pen and paper examination, for example, their verbal communication and investigation skills. CBAs will be undertaken in subjects and short courses and will be facilitated by the classroom teacher.


After successful completion of the Junior Cycle our students then progress into either our Transition Year programme or directly into the Leaving Certificate cycle.


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